Life of a woman of 4 kids

Life trials of a woman of 4 girls, going to nursing school, running her business & home and helping her vet. husband with his business.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Fresh Ideas?!

I don't know how people who create art get their inspiration. Now I don't create art but my business is a still a way that you need ideas, new visions of fashion. I create bows , outfits for kids. I also do a lot of art work like furniture painting and stuff (ill add pics later). The painting is not that hard its usually the same, girls with roses and boys with frogs and boats. However when I get to the bows, I sometimes look at my ribbons and my fabrics and I cant decide what to do and how to start.
Then I get preoccupied with my kids, husband, and house work. Not to mention that I have Algebra tests and my psych tests coming up this may! Summer is starting and I need to come up with a new idea a new line of cloths, bows, handbags, and more. AAAAGGGGHHH now i feel like charlie brown!. Sometimes my husband does not help with the situation. Like right now he is sitting in front of the boob tube watching Ultimate fighter when there are dishes to do. I already took care of everything else. The babies are arguing, and he just takes in stride. I'm here trying to write it all down and well, I just need to vent. Don't get me wrong, he's is a great husband and even more so a wonderful dad (to good he spoils the two youngest). Our chores are divided up. I clean the house, sweep mop, dust, wash laundry. He has dish duty, cooking (he took that up right from the start he was a cook in the army for 5 years!) and put the laundry away.
I can see why I don't have my creative juices flowing. I need my own studio away from home. I think I need to rent a small space or send my kids off to daycare or to a nanny. Well, its time for me to go. I need to make sure things are OK on my website. My life is a soap. I could write books and make millions. Then again why add more to the bag when I can just barley make this one my own!


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